NIH Training Center
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Auditors in Your NIHTC Classes

NIH Training Center photo of class being taught

The NIH Training Center (NIHTC) is dedicated to delivering outstanding learning experiences. We know how important it is for employees to receive relevant, accurate, and meaningful information. Typically, employees attend NIHTC classes to become proficient in their roles at the NIH. For that reason, NIHTC conducts cyclical audits of current classes by both training specialists and subject matter experts, even for popular courses that have been in demand for years. 

The current Class Audit Program started in January 2023 and will continue throughout the calendar year. NIHTC training experts attend and evaluate class instructors and course content. Auditors take notes and offer recommendations to enhance and improve classes. After each audit, NIHTC program managers and class instructors discuss the findings and determine if revisions are needed. If so, the changes are incorporated immediately. The audit process is a best practice in the training industry and helps ensure we are providing top-quality training courses to the NIH community.

Explore the entire NIHTC Course Catalog for classes to meet your training needs.