How to Submit a Commissioned Officer Award Nomination

Generally, the submission steps are as follows (see Awards for additional information).

  • Complete the IC internal nomination and review process as applicable.
  • Prepare the justification and citation. Follow the detailed instructions in the NIH Awards Handbook.
  • Complete the cover sheet, including Grade, Category, and correct 5-digit PHS number. After the Officer's full name, indicate their doctoral degree in parentheses (MD, PhD), if applicable. Use the form PHS 6342-1 for unit nominations and PHS 6342-2 for individuals nominations. Type agency head signature block on each form.
  • Attach the 1-2 page narrative justification (permissible length depends on the specific award; see the NIH Awards Handbook).
  • Submit the original to the NIH CO Awards Coordinator (Bldg. 31, Room B2B63) by close of business on the deadline date.

Notes about nominations

  • Nominations must be formally initiated within 13 months after the specific period of service to be recognized
  • A fellow officer, co-worker, superiors, etc. must initiate nominations.
  • Processing is through the organizational change of command to the OPDIV Awards Coordinator
  • Service awards require statement from supervisor of completion of required criteria
  • Only one honor award can be approved for an officer per cycle (July 1-June 30). DOES NOT APPLY to unit service awards

Nomination process

Nominations for a CO award are submitted to the NIH CO Awards Coordinator in the Office of Human Resources, Client Services Division, Commissioned Corp Team (Bldg. 31, Room B2B63), at NIH. It is the responsibility of the ICs to complete their internal nomination and review procedures in a timeframe to allow submission of the nominations by the due date. Generally, the process is as follows:

  • ICs conduct their own internal nomination and review process such that it is completed in time for preparation of nominations on time.
  • By the deadline date, the IC Awards Coordinators and/or IC Personnel Offices submit the original each nomination to the NIH CO Awards Coordinator, OHR/CSD Commissioned Corps Team (Bldg. 31, Room B2B63).
  • After submission by the ICs, the NIH CO Awards Coordinator will review the nominations and forward them to the NIH Awards Committee.
  • The NIH CO Awards Coordinator will inform the ICs of the decisions regarding the approved CO nominations that will be forwarded.
  • The Office of Commissioned Corps Operation (OCCO) Awards Board reviews the nominations and provides feedback to the NIH CO Awards Coordinator regarding who will receive an award.
  • The NIH CO Awards Coordinator informs the ICs of the Board's decision.