Individual Development Plan (IDP) Consulting and Workshops



An Individual Training & Development Plan (IDP) is a tool to help support, plan, and track your career development and learning opportunities. With IDP services from NIHTC, you can learn how to build an IDP based on your greatest strengths, address areas for growth, and confidently discuss your IDP with your supervisor.

An experienced consultant, versed in mentoring and coaching Management Interns, will work with you from a holistic perspective. Taking account of all considerations, you can develop a plan to serve as a unique contributor aligned with the NIH mission.

IDP Consulting Benefits


With IDP consulting, you can:

  • Develop an Individual Development Plan customized to your needs
  • Identify, clarify, and commit to goals based on your priorities and professional goals
  • Create and develop strategies for goal achievement
  • Track progress toward your goals
  • Understand, evaluate, and strengthen your technical and non-technical competencies
  • Practice confidently discussing strategies for aligning expectations with those of your supervisor
  • Make the most out of a recent promotion, job opportunity, or other developmental prospect
  • Analyze alternatives and solutions

IDP Consulting Features


An individual may receive two 50-minute individual consulting sessions generally in the span of two-three months. Sessions are one-on-one and absolutely confidential and impartial.

Cost: $399 for each two-session package. Supervisory approval is required.

IDP Workshops for your Office


NIHTC can also bring IDP best practices on-site to your team or office. Benefits of IDP tailored training include:

  • Training creates an avenue for conversation around professional development and priorities, which can increase engagement, productivity, and performance.
  • You can provide your group with the tools and knowledge they need to understand, leverage, and strengthen their technical and leadership competencies.
  • Participants receive consistent messages, so staff hears the same thing, at the same time, by the same instructor.
  • Team members participate in training together, which facilitates collaboration and teambuilding among staff.
  • The workshop is offered at a time and place most convenient to staff.

Our standard workshop is currently 2 hours for 25 people or less. However, we can work with you to adjust the training duration and mode of participation, depending on your office’s needs.

Cost: $1,000

Request an IDP Service


To get started, complete an IDP service request form and the NIH Training Center will reach out to you to schedule your request. For more information about Individual Training & Development Plan (IDP) Consulting or IDP Workshops, please contact us at 301-496-6211 or