Insurance Programs

As a Federal employee, you may be able to enroll in health, life, dental, and vision insurance and apply for long term care insurance. Click on the tabs below to learn more about each program.

Newly Eligible and Transferring Federal Employees

Newly eligible Federal employees should refer to the NIH New Employees Benefits Enrollment page for additional guidance on enrollment in the benefit programs.

Current Federal employees who are transferring to NIH from another federal agency outside of the Department of Health and Human Services should refer to the NIH Transfer Employee Benefits Information page for information on how your benefits will transfer to NIH from your prior agency.

Insurance Changes

If you are currently employed by NIH, are enrolled in a program and experience a life event, you may be eligible to make a change within a limited timeframe. Common qualifying life events (QLE) include marriage, divorce, birth of a child, and a spouse's loss of health coverage. If you have not experienced a permitted QLE, you must wait until the annual open season to make changes, which runs from mid-November through mid-December. For questions, send an email to AskBenefits.

The effective date for most benefit changes will be the beginning of the pay period following receipt of the form, unless otherwise indicated. Beneficiary forms become effective the date the Human Resources Office receives a valid designation form.

To make changes to your FEHB, use the FEHB Enrollment Form and submit it to

Marriage-Impact on Benefits

Divorce - Impact on Benefits

Birth of Child - Impact on Benefits

Contact the Retirement & Employee Benefits Branch (REBB)

Bethesda Office
Retirement & Employee Benefits Branch
31 Center Drive MSC 2215
Bldg 31, Room 1B37 
Bethesda MD 20892-2215

  • Telephone: (301) 496-2404
  • Fax: (301) 402-5506

North Carolina Office
Retirement & Employee Benefits Branch
PO Box 12233 (K1-01)
Keystone/Rm 1105
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

  • Telephone: (984) 287-3044
  • Fax: (919) 541-3659