HR-Review, Action & Management Process System (HR-RAMPS)


HR-RAMPS is a dynamic workflow-based system used to draft, review, manage and provide signature approvals to human resources actions and awards from Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) that pass through the Office of Human Resources (OHR) and require approval from NIH Executive and Principal Leadership in Building 1.  This process was previously referred to as “Pink Folders.”

HR-RAMPS uses pre-defined case templates to specify case-specific fields, associated documents, routing, and approval options. The system also includes a built-in records management component with associated disposition times based on the requirements of each case type.

Using DocuSign, HR-RAMPS contains a streamlined signature process that captures signatures within the system providing a full lifecycle approach to document management.

HR-RAMPS was developed as part of the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) program using the OpenText Content Suite Platform in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).


  • Provides transparency and accountability to our users and customers
  • Effective and efficient dashboard tracking of in-progress and completed cases
  • Advanced search and filter capabilities to quickly find cases as needed
  • Automation using pre-defined templates and electronic signatures promotes efficient processing times
  • Comprehensive system reduces the risk of loss
  • Records management component assists with meeting the requirements of OMB Presidential Memo M-19-21 (Transition to Electronic Records)


HR-RAMPS is being implemented in phases. Phase 1 consists of those cases from OHR, ORS & ORF that pass through OHR for review and approval. The estimated start date for Phase 1 cases is mid-March 2021.

Security and access

  • A user is granted role based access to the system (including DocuSign)
  • The user logs on to the NIH network using NIH credentials and accesses HR-RAMPS
  • HR-RAMPS will use the NIH login (iTrust) to authenticate the user

Mobile Users(iPhone, Android, iPad) can use HR-RAMPS and sign documents using their NIH Username and Password through MobileIron

System support

For questions or issues regarding the HR-RAMPS System, contact your business administrator or the NIAID Help Desk:

Job aids by role