Presidential Management Fellows (PMF)

About the PMF Program

For general information on the PMF program and eligibility, visit

The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program is a flagship leadership development program at the entry level for advanced degree candidates. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has participated in the PMF program since 1985. We pride ourselves on offering interesting, challenging, and flexible opportunities for all fellows. NIH also has a strong community of current and former PMFs who stay involved in the program.

PMFs develop Individual Development Plans (IDPs) and select rotations that are tailored to meet their career development goals and the agency's long-term succession planning needs. At-Large PMFs complete rotational assignments in a broad range of administrative and programmatic areas, including budget and finance, grants management, program and management analysis, contracts management, and human resources. All PMFs have a dedicated mentor for the two-year program who guides them. Finally, fellows may participate on a variety of NIH-wide projects, as well as Intern/Fellow led committees for events like Intern/Fellow Orientation and Graduation that add value to the program.

Through collaboration with current PMFs, alumni, and the PMF Subcommittee, NIH PMF Core Values were established in 2022. The Core Values include leadership, diversity, service, personal development, and community. NIH PMFs strive to embody these values throughout their time in the program and beyond, both in personal and professional settings.
NIH PMF Core Values

TO APPLY FOR THE PMF PROGRAM, VISIT The application and assessment process begins each Fall and is managed centrally by the US Office of Personnel Management. PMF Finalists are eligible to apply for PMF jobs with agencies like NIH.


NIH hires a variety of fellows each year, though not all types are hired every year. If you’re a PMF Finalist, check OPM’s online Talent Management System (TMS) for any available openings at NIH. 

PMFs at NIH - Tracks Graphic

Targeted PMFs are hired by an office or manager for a specific position. They spend two years in that position, with the exception of their required 4-6 month Developmental Assignment. 

Designated PMFs rotate through a specified Institute or Center (IC) and may have one or more rotations outside of their home IC. As a Designated fellow, the focus is on learning the organization and culture of their home IC. 

At-Large PMFs are hired by the NIH Office of Human Resources and rotate throughout the entire NIH, creating their own schedule of 3-4 month rotations. These rotational opportunities provide on-the-job training with exposure to senior leadership.

PMF Class Testimonials

Previous Participants Share Their Experiences

Contact Us

You can find contact information on NIH’s TAS postings. If you have questions about the NIH PMF program view the PMF Q&A page or need more information, please write us at

Office Hours

Are you a Supervisor or Administrative Staff looking to learn more about NIH PMF hiring or rotation opportunities? Meet with the NIH PMF Agency Coordinator.

Administrative Training Committee

The Administrative Training Committee partners with the NIH Training Center to oversee the NIH Internship and Fellowship Programs.