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NIH Leadership Development Program Updates

Group of scientists conducting research in a laboratory

The NIHTC will solicit IC nominations for FY23 sessions of the Senior Leadership Program (SLP), Mid-level Leadership Program (MLP), and Management Seminar Series (MSS) this Fall. Each of these programs offers NIH scientists and administrative staff an opportunity to enhance their skills and awareness in leadership and management matters – all while building connections with other NIH employees pursuing the same goals. Please bookmark these sites, consider your development goals, and check back in the next few months for important updates. While the FY23 MSS will operate virtually, MLP and SLP will include both virtual and blended (combining in-person and virtual) options for participants.

Executive Leadership Program candidate applications are in, and final selections will occur before August. This prestigious 2022-2023 program will take place in-person.

As always, let your supervisor know if you want to be considered for a leadership development learning opportunity. Visit our Continuum of Leadership Programs site to determine which program is the best fit for you!