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PMF Recruitment is Underway!

Presidential Management Fellows Recruit

The Office of Human Resources (OHR), Global Recruitment Unit (GRU) is gearing up for its next global recruitment initiative for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program. The announcement features PMFs who are available for placement in key roles across NIH. The hiring announcement will be open January 10-14. 

If your office is not quite ready to invest in hiring a PMF at this time, as a preview to the PMF program, you may invest in PMFs from other agencies to complete a 3–6-month rotation at your NIH office. Or PMFs can potentially begin their careers at the NIH and then transfer to an external agency. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to gain a temporary employee in your office with low-risk and no-cost, that is unless you decide to hire.

One amazing PMF success story is Cristina Nigro, who worked at the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and completed her Developmental Rotation here at the NIH and enjoyed it so much that she was reappointed and plans to convert at the NIH in the Spring.

If you do not have a current opportunity in your office/division, please share this wealth of information with others in your network and together, let’s watch OUR NIH flourish! 

If you have questions or to post rotation opportunities on the PMF/MI SharePoint Site, please contact ShaRhaina Brown.