NIH Training Center
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2022 Deputy Director for Management (DDM) Seminar Series – Time-Sensitive Viewing!

Nataly Kogan

We hope you were able to join us for the first DDM Seminar on December 9 that featured Nataly Kogan sharing practices for “Leading Yourself through Change and Uncertainty.” If you have not yet seen that seminar, we encourage you to watch the archived videocast as soon as possible since that recording will only be available to NIH through February 4. Please go to our “Past Seminars” page to find that and other past seminars of possible interest to you.

The FY22 Series continues with seminars on February 3, April 7, and June 16. Please mark your calendars. Participants attending the DDM will receive 1.5 hours of supervisory refresher credits per event. In addition, participants can submit an entry into FAITAS to receive 1.5 CLPs for FAC-COR, FAC-C and FAC-PPM re-certifications. As always, you can find the full schedule for the virtual DDM Seminars at