Stalking Awareness Month

National Stalking Awareness Month Logo

January is Stalking Awareness Month. It is critical that we raise awareness about the violating nature of stalking and its warning signs. Stalking often occurs in many different forms, including making repeated unsolicited phone calls, sending unwanted letters or other items, and following victims or showing up at their workplaces or homes. COVID-19 restrictions create new vulnerabilities for victims of stalking, particularly through online methods and social media. Cyberstalking is another form of threatening behavior including, but not limited to unwarranted e-mails, instant and direct messaging, or liking and commenting on social media posts. The fear, stress, and anxiety that is endured can be debilitating to a person. To learn more, please visit CDC – Stalking:  Know it. Name it. Stop it.

Below you can find a wide variety of NIH resources to assist the employees in dealing with fear, stress, and anxiety and resolving conflict in the workplace.

NIH Resources:

NIH Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
NIH Civil Program Domestic Violence Resources

NIMH Supporting Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

NIMH Coping with Traumatic Events


Additional Resources:

Stalking Awareness
National Center for Victims of Crime

SPARC Stalking Videos