NIH Training Center
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Which LMS Class is Right for You?

LMS Infographic

The NIHTC offers two Learning Management System (LMS) classes at NO COST to your IC: LMS Learning Administrator and LMS Local Learning Registrar. Use the questions below to help you and your supervisor determine the appropriate class for you.

  1. Do you enter courses in the LMS so staff in your IC can attend?
  2. Do you manage class rosters and run reports?
  3. Do you add IC staff to mandatory training exemption lists (exception NIH Anti-Harassment)?
  4. Are your classes available to the NIH?
  5. Will you be responsible for attaching online course content?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the five (5) questions above, then the NIH LMS Learning Administrator course is right for you! This course is offered every other month (December, February, April, June, and August).

Let’s switch gears and see if you answer “Yes” to any of the following five (5) questions. If so, then attend the LMS Local Learning Registrar class. This class is also offered on every other month (November, January, March, May, July, and September).

  1. Are you approving training registrations for the NIH Training Center on behalf of your supervisor or Servicing Administrative Officer (AO)?
  2. Do you register IC staff for training classes?
  3. Need to add completions for IC staff that have taken classes external to the LMS?
  4. Do you reactivate deactivated LMS accounts? (LMS accounts are deactivated after 366 days of inactivity)
  5. Do you run reports on IC staff completions, especially for mandatory training (exception – NIH Anti-Harassment)?

BUT…What if you are a Servicing Administrative Officer (AO)?

Formal training is not required if you are a Servicing AO.  AOs are automatically provided access to approve a training registration after the supervisor/manager approves the order. Servicing AOs are granted the role called Additional Approvers on Orders (AAO). The responsibility of an AAO is to make the second level of approval and add a valid CAN. To learn more about how to complete the tasks, please visit the NIH LMS Support Page and scroll down to the section for “Additional Approvers on Orders” to learn more.