Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Month

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), workplace violence is defined as an act or threat of violence, ranging from verbal abuse to physical assaults, or any other disruptive behavior, including domestic violence and stalking when it impacts a workplace.

April is recognized as Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness Month with the goal of increasing awareness to recognize, prevent, and respond to workplace violence. The NIH provides several resources for staff and supervisors to swiftly identify workplace violence, deescalate the situation, and ensure the safety and security of NIH facilities:

If there is a physical conflict, serious inquiry, destruction of property, or another emergency on NIH facilities, contact the NIH Police by calling 911 from a campus landline or dialing 301-496-9911 from a cell phone. For off-campus facilities, call 911 from a cell phone or off-campus landline.