NIH Training Center
Highlights Newsletter
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Selecting the right training from many options can seem overwhelming. We are here to help! Send an email to an NIHTC Program Manager with your questions or join their office hours to meet with them virtually. The majority of Program Managers have office hours. Here’s your opportunity to ask specific questions about the various classes and programs they manage

Office Hours Sign

Bob Michon: 
Pre-retirement classes, DDM Seminar Series, Individual Development Plan (IDP) Consulting, Mid-Level Leadership Program, Internal Leadership Coaching
Mondays 1:30PM-2:30PM and Fridays 12:30PM-1:30PM

Sandy Giordano: 
Senior Leadership Program, Supervisory Skills Training, NIH Title 42 Training, Federal HR for Admin Professionals Training, and NIH Mandatory Training
Tuesdays 1:00PM-2:00PM and Thursdays 1:00PM-2:00PM

Michele Schwartzman: 
LMS Administrator Training
Thursdays 10:00AM-11:00AM

Rick Hawkins: 
Management Intern Program, Individual Development Plan (IDP) Consulting, and the Management Seminar Series
Mondays 10:00AM-11:00AM

Virginia (Verzhiniya) Tancheva: 
Budget & Data Skills Courses, Purchase Card Training, and Group Training
Mondays 1:00PM-2:00PM and Fridays 1:00PM-2:00PM


Check out the conversation that took place when we dropped in on Bob Michon’s office hours:

NIHTC:  How do people connect with you during office hours? 

Bob: First, thanks for dropping in. My office hours are twice per week, Mondays from 1:30-2:30 and Fridays from 12:30-1:30. The most direct way to reach me is to do what you did—click on the link to my personal Zoom room during those hours. Of course, you can always email me and request that I send you a link with my office hour times. 

NIHTC: What kinds of things do you discuss during your office hours, Bob? 

Bob: Goodness, it ranges across so many topics! I manage a number of programs including the Mid-level Leadership Program, the DDM Seminar SeriesIDP Consulting and WorkshopsInternal Leadership Coaching, and Pre-retirement Preparedness classes. Though by no means the expert in any of those program areas, I do receive a fair number of questions asking to clarify some features of these important classes and programs. 

NIHTC: Are there particular topics that you really enjoy discussing? 

Bob: I’m so glad you asked that! A common theme in the above programs is that they address the intent of people who wish to have a greater impact in a position they’re currently in or one that they aspire to be in. So, a common topic is discussing how a program might further that intent. That discussion on possible learning pathways for people who have that intent is one that I love.   

NIHTC: Anything else you’d like to share with our readers? 

Bob: Consider joining our office hours! Training Center Program Managers are available to answer your questions and provide guidance on your learning and development needs.

Contact with questions and to learn more about office hours.