This course is only offered as a closed enrollment.
This 6-hour interactive training includes dialogues, exercises, and scenarios that uncover the roots of racialism and shows how through collective effort, one can dismantle these systems of exclusion by applying inclusive behaviors and thinking.
This training also uses cognitive-based therapeutic strategies to encourage participants to better understand the ill effects of racialism and the exclusive systems it produces to the detriment of societal health and organizational performance.
- Build a clear understanding of systemic/structural racism and structural inclusion and explore the individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal dynamics that make both possible.
- Learn to discuss race and racism constructively and authentically within NIH and with NIH partners and stakeholders as well as within one’s own community of family and friends.
- Gain tools and practices and identify next steps both as individuals and as leaders for counteracting racial bias and dismantling structural racism at NIH, in biomedical research, health care, and beyond to increase health equity and advance scientific workforce diversity.
This class is recommended for all NIH employees.