Building and Sustaining Great Customer Service

Course Number

At NIH, we are each other's customer; every encounter is a gift to someone by sharing our expertise, offering to help, and putting others needs first. This includes Travel Planners, Acquisitions Professionals, Administrative Officers, Grants Specialists, Clinical Center Staff, HR Professionals, CIT and OIT Helpdesk Representatives, Office of the Director Staff and anyone who interfaces with patients undergoing clinical trials, external stakeholders, or internal customers/colleagues. These everyday interactions shape and mold the NIH culture. Come learn how to better use a tool that is in your possession already.

Key Topics

• Learn what creates an exceptional customer experience and identify the benefits of great customer experiences. Recognize the importance of an optimistic attitude when offering service.

• Explore the three-levels of customer satisfaction, 7 standards of service excellence and recognize barriers to an exceptional customer experiences.

• Adapt to specific customer personality challenge and learn techniques for dealing with angry or upset customers.


All NIH Employees.