
Demonstrates knowledge of compensation concepts, principles, and practices, including pay and leave administration and compensation flexibilities.

Key Behaviors
  • Interprets new policy and procedures relating to Title 42, SES and Title 5, Title 38 (PSP and allied health), communicating important information concerning these processes and/or programs to NIH staff.
  • Develops guidance and provides regulatory and policy advice and assistance on all compensation matters, etc.
  • Designs major organizational compensation models that involve extensive analysis of a large, multi-mission, complex, or diverse organization.
  • Identifies, analyzes, and recommends management options and interventions to solve complex problems and issues.
  • Develops and delivers issue papers, briefings, and project papers for OHR and NIH management.
  • Interprets pay and leave administration regulations and guidelines to include work scheduling, hours of work requirements and flexibilities, and alternative work schedules.
  • Applies compensation regulations relative to agency compensation guides, annual pay adjustments, overtime and other premium pay, overpayments and waivers, etc.
  • Works with DHHS to facilitate the resolution of NIH employee payroll problems and DFAS system issues.
  • Knowledge of HR laws, rules, and regulations to include the Public Health Service Act, Titles of the Code of Federal Regulations, HHS and NIH policies, OPM guidelines, etc.
  • Applies comprehensive understanding of HR compensation laws, rules, and regulations to include Title 42, Title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations, HHS and NIH policies, OPM guidelines, etc.
  • Applies a wide range of HR concepts, laws, policies, practices, and methods to resolve a wide range of complex interrelated HR compensation issues.

Developmental opportunities for this competency are available from the NIH Training Center.