Remote work supervisor checklist

Roles and Responsibilities for Supervisors of Remote Employees (in and outside of the Local Commuting Area) in the NIH Workplace Flexibilities Program (WFP)

The following outlines the roles and responsibilities for supervisors considering and/or managing remote staff in the NIH Workplace Flexibilities Program (WFP):

  • Ensure that workplace flexibilities are applied fairly and equally among all staff, as much as possible
  • Ensure employee position description and performance plan accurately reflect the employee's duties and responsibilities, and position eligibility is in alignment with the position description and performance plan
  • Review employees' requests for a remote work Workplace Flexibilities Agreement (WFA) and approve, disapprove, or modify the request in accordance with the Workplace Flexibilities Instruction, any applicable OpDiv/StaffDiv guidance, and collective bargaining agreement requirements. Ensure employees renew their agreement annually.
  • Ensure requests are reviewed on an individual employee basis with the understanding that each position may differ on the level of work portability even within the same job series, grade, and position. This eligibility assessment should be conducted with a lens as it relates to similarly situated employees, as well as evaluating the overall business needs of the work unit to ensure organizational performance is not diminished.
  • Ensure concurrence from IC Division Director (or equivalent) and the Executive Officer (or their designee).
  • Ensure employees complete the required workplace flexibilities trainings before starting any remote work agreements and that they complete the annual training. Talk with employees about what is expected in this arrangement and explain what will happen if the agreement needs to end for any reason.
  • Ensure remote work WFA details any emergency responsibilities specified for a continuity and/or pandemic event, as appropriate for the approved flexibilities
  • Ensure compliance with current travel policies and guidance as they pertain to the approved workplace flexibility, the Workplace Flexibilities Instruction, and the employee’s official worksite
  • For remote workers, ensure changes to the Official Worksite (personnel action requests) are processed as needed
  • Ensure employees in telework and remote work status receive the same benefits and opportunities (e.g., work assignments, awards and recognition, development opportunities, etc.) as employees who do not participate in a WFP
  • Partner with Employee and Labor Relations for any decision to end participation in the WFP
  • Comply with and enforce the HHS Workplace Flexibilities Instruction and applicable Federal laws and regulations related to workplace flexibilities