Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAFEDS) Updates

Enrollment Re-Opened

Beginning August 1, 2024, OPM re-opened enrollment in FSAFEDS for new employees and for existing enrollees making a change due to a Qualifying Life Event (QLE).  Employees who intended to enroll or make changes to their FSAFEDS account due to a QLE but are now outside the deadlines to make these changes because the enrollment feature was disabled, may still create or modify their account. Once the account is created, the employee should contact FSAFEDS at 877-372-3337; 866-353-8058 (TTY); or +1 650-577-5294 (international) to request an update to their effective date. Any claims incurred after the effective date will be eligible for reimbursement.

Identity Verification

To provide enhanced security to FSAFEDS accounts, all users will soon be required to verify their identity through Login.gov. The identity verification process will involve users submitting their state-issued identification online. Enhanced identity verification is one of several steps OPM has taken to combat fraud in the FSAFEDS Program. Identity verification for existing enrollees will be applied to accounts in a phased approach.

  • Beginning in mid to late October 2024, employees who have FSAFEDS accounts that were created on or after January 1, 2023, will be required to complete identity verification through Login.gov, in order to access accounts moving forward.
  • All remaining employees whose accounts were created before January 1, 2023, will be required to complete identity verification beginning in January 2025.

FSAFEDS Website Transition

In addition to enhancing identity verification, FSAFEDS transitioned to a “.gov” website domain effective August 1, 2024. The previous domain, FSAFEDS.com, will no longer be operable.  The new domain name will be FSAFEDS.gov. Until email communications are transitioned later in the year, you will continue to receive email communications from FSAFEDScommunications@e.healthequity.com and servicenotice@fsafeds.com .

Important Notes

  1. It is the responsibility of employees to validate themselves as part of Identity Verification (IDV) through Login.gov. Enrollees should not contact FSAFEDS or Agency Benefits Officers (ABO) to complete IDV on their behalf. Neither party can do this.
  2. In addition to the online IDV process, employees can also complete the process in-person at over 18,000 participating U.S. Postal Service locations. Find the nearest participating location
  3. Employees who encounter challenges with the IDV or Login.gov processes should contact Login.gov Customer Service for assistance.  They can be reached at (844) 875-6446 and operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you have any questions, contact FSAFEDS at 877-372-3337; 866-353-8058 (TTY); or +1 650-577-5294 (international).