Helpful Hints for Completing the HHS 990-1 Workplace Flexibilities Agreement (WFA)

How do I confirm whether I’ve completed Privacy Act Training and signed the Rules of Behavior?

Employees who have taken the required annual NIH Information Security and Privacy Awareness training may certify on the WFA that they have completed mandatory Privacy Act training and signed the Rules of Behavior. Both are elements of the mandatory training.

Why does the WFA state “telework training”?

The telework training in the WFA refers to the mandatory Workplace Flexibilities Training in the LMS.

As a supervisor, how do I certify that an employee has taken the WFA training?

After an employee has navigated to the the LMS link on the WorkFlex website and reviewed the HHS Workplace Flexibilities Policy, they should certify that they have taken the Workplace Flexibilities Training to their supervisor in writing, and/or by sending the certificate of completion from the LMS website. The certificate can be found under the “Completed Learning” section, in the right hand “Actions” column under “Print Certificate.”

If I’m requesting to be a remote worker, how do I also request ad-hoc telework on my WFA?

Since the WFA only allows the selection of one proposed flexibility arrangement in Section 1, employees may use the “Supervisor/Employee Specific Terms and Conditions” comment box to note an ad-hoc telework request.

Who is the Authorizing Official who should sign the WFA?

Please contact your Workplace Flexibilities IC POC for more information on the specific approval process for WFAs within your IC.