Common Fund Unsung Heroes Award

Common Fund Unsung Heroes Award (New Category)


The purpose of this award is to recognize the NIH staff who are integral to managing or supporting a Common Fund program, but who are not a primary leader of the program, and therefore, do not typically receive recognition for their efforts. These staff typically work behind the scenes to manage the logistics, awards management, communications, evaluations, and other management aspects of Common Fund programs. The award recognizes the superior performance or special efforts of those individuals or groups whose effort is critical to the success of Common Fund programs.


  • All NIH employees, staff, or groups of staff (which can also include contractors) who are involved with the management of Common Fund programs and who at the time of the nominated action were in grades GS-1 through GS-13 (or equivalent). 
  • Group nominations must not have employees in grades GS-14 or above, except for a single team lead for a group that otherwise meets that grade limit.


  • Superior skill and/or leadership in organizing the logistics of Common Fund Working Groups and Common Fund consortia, in establishing evaluation and/or communication strategies, or in resolving complex award issues with awardee institutions. 
  • Collaboration with staff across NIH to produce a coordinated response to a management challenge.
  • Nominations must be in response to a sustained commitment to the management of Common Fund programs over multiple years or in response to a substantial management challenge over the past year. 

Some Examples could include, but not limited to:

  • Superlative efforts in grants management for several challenging cooperative agreements for a particular Common Fund program over the past four years.  
  • Managing significant community outreach efforts for a Common Fund program since its inception.
  • Coordinating a substantial evaluation of a Common Fund program over the past year.
  • Providing significant logistical and project management support to a specific Common Fund Working Group over the past five years.