Task 6: Additional Resources for New Hires

Congratulations on completing the NIH Virtual New Employee Orientation! If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the resources listed. Thank you and welcome to the NIH! 

Below are points of contact for questions pertaining to:

  • Staffing or Hiring: Contact the HR Specialist who signed your final offer letter. They can assist with questions about your position.
  • Benefits: Contact our Benefits Office at AskBenefits@nih.gov or (301) 496-2404.
  • Badge Status: If you have not been issued your NIH PIV card, contact DPS at ORSPersonnelSecurity@mail.nih.gov or at (301) 402-9755.
  • Ethics FAQs: If you have any additional questions contact your IC Ethics Office

For all other questions, pleasecontact our new employee helpdesk at NIHOrientation@mail.nih.gov.