Task 4: Parking and Transhare

You can obtain a parking pass or join the NIH Transhare program to subsidize your commute. Submit your request through Commuting and Parking Services (CAPS) using your PIV card or NIH login credentials. Below are the instructions.

Request a parking pass

Complete the form on CAPS. Your pass will be mailed to your home address.

Join the Transhare program

Complete the form on CAPS. For quicker service, provide your own SmarTrip card number. SmarTrip cards may be provided to you, and CAPS will make arrangements for you to either pick up your new card or mail it to your home address. You may also complete the Transhare program application form and email or fax it to the address below.

Commuting Information

A complete list of options on entrances and exits to the main campus can be found here. 

For more information

Contact the Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS):