If you do not receive an expected direct deposit payment by the official Friday payday, you must complete the Missing Electronic Funds Transfer Request Form to initiate the tracer process. Once completed submit the form to Bldg 31, Room B3C23. This paperwork is forwarded to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which sends the information, in turn, to DFAS. DFAS queries the financial institution to which the payment was sent. If the financial institution returns the funds to DFAS, DFAS will alert HHS that the funds have been returned. In the interim, employees may be entitled to an Emergency Salary Loan Payment.
If your check is mailed to your address of record and is lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated, you must complete a Statement of Claimant Requesting Recertified Check to request a re-certified check. Once completed submit the form to Bldg 31, Room B3C23. This paperwork is forwarded to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which sends the information, in turn, to DFAS. DFAS will use the information to make the determination to reissue a recertified check, based on the information provided, and for canceling the original check. The information will also verify a proper mailing address.