Assists travelers and travel planners in interpreting and applying travel regulations, policies and procedures.
Key Behaviors
- Advises travelers or preparers on appropriate documentation and lead times required for sponsored travel and outside activities, domestic travel, foreign travel, premium class, non-contract carrier, foreign flag carrier, actual expense allowance and leave requests.
- Coordinates within program area to maintain an awareness of upcoming travel and ensure adequate lead times to prepare applicable documentation (e.g., notification of foreign travel, sponsored travel).
- Reviews travel vouchers and authorizations to ensure they can be accomplished within available funds.
- Reviews and approves travel authorizations and travel vouchers in government travel management systems to ensure that they are in accordance with Federal Travel Regulations and HHS/NIH policies.
- Manages travel cards (distribution, policies) and audit files.
- Provides information to program staff on policies and procedures for government travelers and invited guests.
- Processes and tracks travel actions using various travel information systems.
- Monitors travel submissions and coordinates resolution of travel issues and concerns.
- Collects and/or organizes data to provide applicable information for periodic data calls.
Developmental opportunities for this competency are available from the NIH Training Center.