Important Information from the NIH Training Center
It is our honor to serve you. Please note that while our scheduled FY 25 classes are available for registration in our course catalog, many classes will only proceed when HHS lifts the current procurement hold on external purchases. In the meantime, NIHTC is receiving registrations as approved by IC final approvers. As always, NIHTC will refund tuition for any classes that we cancel. If you have questions about your IC’s budget, we advise that you consult with your IC leadership to abide by their budgetary guidance.
This one-day non-mandatory course is for current, experienced Purchase Cardholders and Card Approving Officials (CAOs) that have completed the NIH Purchase Card training (Course# NIHTC9512), have been provisioned as P-Card Users (Cardholder) and/or P-Card Approvers (CAO) and are functioning under their role in NBS. It is a refresher class, focusing on NBS functionality, not P-Card responsibilities or ordering procedure. It offers practice exercises, including the creation of Purchase Card Log Entries and Reconciliation procedures through the NBS.
The course will not address purchase card orders over the micro-purchase threshold that are sent to PRISM for award. Additional information on this process and P-Card to PRISM can be found on the NBS Acquisition Portal under P-Card to PRISM Phase I.
IMPORTANT:This course does not replace the annual NIH Purchase Card Refresher training.
- Create Log Entries in NBS and match a vendor’s Bank Transaction to a Log Entry.
- Change Log Entry field information through Purchase Card Reconciliation.
- Dispute a vendor’s Bank Transaction.
- Reconcile Bank Transactions and prepare Purchase Card monthly file requirements.
- Review Card Approver Reconciliation Responsibilities.
The NIH Acquisitions Community. Attendees to Purchase Card – Logs and Reconciliation must be current Cardholders or CAOs functioning under their role and provisioned in NBS with current NBS purchase card experience in creating log entries and performing reconciliation procedures.