Important Information from the NIH Training Center
It is our honor to serve you. Please note that while our scheduled FY 25 classes are available for registration in our course catalog, many classes will only proceed when HHS lifts the current procurement hold on external purchases. In the meantime, NIHTC is receiving registrations as approved by IC final approvers. As always, NIHTC will refund tuition for any classes that we cancel. If you have questions about your IC’s budget, we advise that you consult with your IC leadership to abide by their budgetary guidance.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) workshop will equip you with personal tools for better self-management, communication, and relationship management. When you understand your Myers-Briggs type preferences, you can approach your own work in a manner that takes into account your tendencies for managing your time, solving problems, working with others, making decisions, absorbing and delivering information, and even responding to stress and conflict.
In preparation for this 1.2-day workshop, you will take an online MBTI Step I assessment prior to the class date.
Note: MBTI is a highly interactive class. Plan to engage by turning on your video and talking with fellow attendees. This is a “judgement free” class! Previous classes in this virtual environment have shown the more participation, the better the outcome!
- An overview of Jung's Personality Theory and MBTI and an exploration of the 4 dichotomies and 16 personality types.
- A deep dive into individual participant assessment results, as well as typing based on groups/subsets and type within your organization.
- An exploration of type dynamics and strategies for communication and contributions.
All NIH Employees