Managing Challenging Email

Important Information from the NIH Training Center

It is our honor to serve you. Please note that while our scheduled FY 25 classes are available for registration in our course catalog, many classes will only proceed when HHS lifts the current procurement hold on external purchases. In the meantime, NIHTC is receiving registrations as approved by IC final approvers. As always, NIHTC will refund tuition for any classes that we cancel. If you have questions about your IC’s budget, we advise that you consult with your IC leadership to abide by their budgetary guidance.

Course Number

Email - the quickest communication that is often interpreted differently. Managing challenging emails in the workplace requires a combination of interpersonal communication skills, self-awareness, and organizational understanding. Participate in this interactive half-day class to identify and address the top five email frustrations. Staff from the NIH Office of the Ombudsman use their expertise in communication, conflict resolution, and organizational dynamics to help individuals and groups identify and resolve underlying causes of conflict and will provide you with tools to communicate effectively and appropriately via email.

Please Note: This class focuses on sending or receiving challenging emails and is not intended to improve general writing skills. If you would like to improve your writing skills, please consider the Writing Skills for NIH Employees

Key Topics
  • Identify email best practices
  • Recognize problematic emails from real-life scenarios and learn how to respond
  • Practice effective email communication that gets a response, conveys the desired tone, or communications emotions effectively
  • Develop strategies to manage and deescalate email conflict


All NIH Employees