Managerial Cost Accounting for Decision Support

Important Information from the NIH Training Center

It is our honor to serve you. Please note that while our scheduled FY 25 classes are available for registration in our course catalog, many classes will only proceed when HHS lifts the current procurement hold on external purchases. In the meantime, NIHTC is receiving registrations as approved by IC final approvers. As always, NIHTC will refund tuition for any classes that we cancel. If you have questions about your IC’s budget, we advise that you consult with your IC leadership to abide by their budgetary guidance.

Course Number

Explore effective ways to gather, develop, provide, use, and analyze cost information to accurately determine the full cost of federal programs, their activities, and their outputs. This course emphasizes applying the requirements of SFFAS 4, Managerial Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government, and introduces participants to the relationship between cost accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. Gain an understanding of how cost information provides Congress, program managers, and the public with information used as the basis for making decisions about allocating federal resources; authorizing, adjusting, or eliminating programs; and assessing program performance.

Key Topics
  • Explain basic managerial cost accounting terms and concepts
  • Identify key cost information that can provide decision support for internal and external users of financial and nonfinancial information
  • Apply current accounting standards to day-to-day events
  • Recognize the impact of the accounting standards on financial reporting: full costing, traditional cost accounting methods, activity-based cost accounting, and reporting costs by outputs and outcomes

Audience: This course is designed for federal financial management personnel.