Introduction to Purchase Card

Course Number

This course is mandatory for prospective Purchase Cardholders or Purchase Card Approving Officials (CAO). It provides an introduction to purchasing using the NIH Purchase Card for micro-purchases and an overview of the NIH Business System (NBS) for logging purchases and reconciliation. Students will complete instructor-led and independent computer-based simulation exercises. Each student will receive a guide with NIH Purchase Card Policies & Procedures. Questions on obtaining a purchase card should be directed to:

Pre-course Actions:
* Prior the class, it is highly recommended to take the short Pre-Requisite LMS online course Introduction to NIH Business System (NIHNBSLMS2074), for an overview of the NBS resources.
* All students must be current FTEs, with access to an active LMS account prior to attending the class.

Please note: The course materials and student LMS profiles are connected. There are no student substitutions for the class.

Key Topics
  • Describe the uses and limitations of the NIH Purchase Card.
  • Perform the roles and responsibilities of a Cardholder and/or CAO.
  • Follow procedures for micro-purchases.
  • Document purchases specific to HHS and NIH requirements.
  • Use the NBS Training Instance to create Oracle Log Entries and reconcile bank transactions.


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