Title 42 at NIH

Course Number

This course is only offered as an open enrollment.
• 2 half-day, instructor-led interactive sessions
• Explore the legal and policy foundations of the Title 42 appointment and pay authority.
• Gain essential knowledge to manage various Title 42 cases involving issues related to professional designations, peer review, and compensation.
• Learn how to effectively facilitate NIH's intramural and extramural professional designations and peer review systems.
• Research and apply Title 42 guidance to ensure accurate and timely recruitments, appointments, and pay actions.

Key Topics

• Statutory and policy guidance regarding the use of Title 42
• Use of Professional Designations at NIH
• Recruitment of Intramural and Extramural Title 42 Scientists
• Intramural and Extramural Peer Review
• Determining and Adjusting Pay for Title 42 Scientists
• Title 38/Title 42 Alignment Principles

This class is recommended for HR Specialists, HR Liaisons or administrative staff who service Intramural/Extramural/OD T42 employees.