Domestic Travel (Concur Government Edition)

Course Number

Receive complete instruction for preparing non-foreign travel requests for federal employees traveling within and outside the continental United States. Students will complete hands-on exercises by preparing travel authorizations using the Concur Government Edition (CGE) Travel System. Students will receive a handbook and job aid to use as a desk reference. Multiple monitors are encouraged for virtual training participation, though not required.

Note: This course satisfies the mandatory requirement for access to the CGE Travel System. It is also a prerequisite for Foreign Travel, Sponsored Travel, Travel for AOs & Approving Officials, and any travel refresher training.

Key Topics
  • Gain understanding of rules and regulations governing the travel of federal employees.
  • Learn about making reservations using multiple methods.
  • Learn rules regarding the use of government travel charge card with ATM features and methods of reimbursement.
  • Explore use of CGE Travel System to enter: Domestic Travel Authorizations, Domestic Travel Vouchers, and Local Travel Vouchers.

NIH travel planners.